Why Companies Depend on Paper Shredding? 3 Must-Know Reasons!

document shredding process

We all have a closet full of extra documents in our storeroom, do you too? Well, this article has the cure to your excessive paper collection problems. So make sure to read till the end!

Business companies, big and small, all rely on tonnes of hard copy documents for their everyday operation. These documents contain massive amounts of information, which could be someone’s address, bank, or property details. To protect their clients’ and employees’ privacy rights, these companies tend to destroy their documents into tiny pieces before disposing of them. Now shredding papers into tiny bits would take ages if done by hand. That is where we come in handy! Businesses and companies hire professional paper shredding companies to do the job.

Paper Shredding Services

Paper shredding service is provided through mobile as well as stationary paper shredding facilities. They contain large paper shredders, which is a device that operates on electricity and is capable of cutting thousands of papers into small pieces within an hour. Using such shredders, the paper shredding companies provide both on-site and off-site paper shredding services. Many companies prefer on-site paper shredding services to ensure that their information is safely destroyed. Such on-site services are provided using mobile paper shredding units, which contain storage space as well to dump all the paper waste. This paper waste is then usually taken to a recycling facility and made into other useful materials.

Top 3 Reasons for Having Paper Shredding Services

Here are the top 3 reasons why businesses rely hugely on paper shredding services:


  • Safe Disposal of Sensitive Information

As mentioned earlier, many organizations have heaps and mountains of confidential information, which could cause trouble if landed in the wrong hands. Leakage of such sensitive information could send the person responsible to jail, or even worse, it could lead to the downfall of a company. Hence, paper shredding services make sure that the information is unrecoverable and is safely destroyed.

  • Paper Recycling

Another reason for hiring paper shredding services is that many shredding companies recycle paper waste into useful paper products. This, in turn, reduces the demand for wood for these paper products and brings about sustainability. On the contrary, if all the extra papers are dumped into a garbage bin, not only does there lies the chance of information leakage, but it also causes global warming. Big companies have tonnes of paper waste, and if it is sent to a landfill, it would eventually burn and contribute loads to environmental deterioration.

  • Increasing Efficiency of Workers

Well, if business companies do not hire paper shredding services, then who would do all the shredding? Workers! Whether it is done by hand or by feeding an in-house paper shredder, workers would have a big extra task. To prevent such tasks, which reduce the efficiency of workers and employees, businesses hire professional paper shredding companies to the rescue!


Paper shredding services prove extremely beneficial for every business to safeguard sensitive information. However, hiring the optimal paper shredding service provider is also crucial. ATI secure docs is a dedicated company working day and night to ensure the safety of their clients’ fragile information. We provide excellent paper shredding services in Austin and San Antonio. In addition, we also offer hard drive destruction and recycle electronic and obsolete office equipment. The best part is our inclusivity; we pride ourselves in having a workforce that includes special and disabled people as well, who are just as productive as any other employee of theirs.


Visit our website now and enjoy a hassle-free paper shredding service by ATI secure docs!
