Scheduled Document Shredding – All You Need to Know

secure document shredding for businesses

As brushing your teeth and replacing the smoke detector battery, scheduled document shredding is one of those most important tasks that are never easy to forget. However, we are aware of the security risks of dumping sensitive documents in the trash. You know that it’s a bad use of company resources to have an employee shred papers a few at a time, every day, in a machine that constantly gets jammed. However, getting this task off the to-do list is easy if you don’t know how often to schedule these professional shredder sessions.

What Is Scheduled Document Shredding

Shredding information is an essential part of the data protection process. Scheduled document shredding is an option designed to simplify the shredding process. It allows you to discard sensitive information regularly. A reliable and flexible shredder schedule helps you keep managing your document shredding.

Why is document shredding important?

Protection against malicious intent. Saving many hard copies exposes your business to data violations, personal information theft, and even corporate espionage. Document digitization followed by hard copy destruction supports business continuity by protecting corporate records and documents from malicious intent.

Federal and state law requires proper disposal of confidential documents such as medical and dental records, documents with social security numbers, personal information, tax forms, and employee payslips.

Paperless electronic record retention documents through digitization followed by document shredding is an eco-friendly way to reduce the amount of paper. In addition, shredded paper is easy to recycle.

Protect Your Business with Secure Document Shredding

ATI Secure DOCS offers multiple options for the safe and careful disposal of private documents. Here you can enjoy. the following features:

  1. One-time shredder service

Suppose you don’t have regular shredding needs but have many personal documents and records that require shredders. In that case, our technicians can directly come to your office or storage area to perform appropriate, safe, and secure on-site shredding.

  1. Regular Shredder Service

We have a secure lockable console or container that protects documents during scheduled shredder service visits with regular and continuous shredding service.

  1. Confidential Document Shredder Process

As a NAID AAA-certified mobile shredder company, ATI is interested in protecting documents. Confidential documents are guaranteed a safe and uninterrupted set of controls, from the moment they are placed in one of the secure containers to the moment they are shredded on the locations.

  1. Asset Protection

Regularly scheduled shredder services are among the most valuable investments you can make in your business. Lockable consoles or containers are strategically placed throughout the office facility. Regularly, certified service personnel in uniforms arrive at the scene to safely destroy the contents of the container. All shredding is done curbside on-premises in one of our advanced shredding trucks.

Benefits of Scheduled Shredding

In addition, shredding has many security benefits in its own right, but planning a service brings additional quality.

Many of the benefits of scheduled shredding include:

  • On-site or off-site shredding options
  • Locking bins to collect papers
  • Pickups on your schedule
  • A Certificate of Destruction post-shredding


Data and information security remain a hot topic, so finding a simple solution to help manage that security should be a priority for organizations that do not have a destruction plan in place. Whether you need to shred old paper documents or need a digital device solution that contains secure information, we can help. Contact us today to find out how to customize your e-waste and document shredder solutions to meet the unique requirements of you and your business.

