Why Is Shredding Essential During Tax Season?

If you’re like most people, tax season is a time of year when you’re scrambling to get your paperwork in order. But did you know that shredding your documents can be an important part of protecting yourself from identity theft? Here’s why shredding is essential during tax season.

It’s The Law – You’re Required To Shred Certain Documents

Keeping important documents safe and secure is not only prudent but an essential part of complying with the law. You’re required to shred certain documents in order to protect confidential identification and prevent identity theft. In many cases, it’s a must no matter the age of a document — even if they are expired or unused paper copies from previous years. Not only does shredding documents help safeguard privacy and diminish the risk of fraud, but it can also help prevent strangers from getting access to any information that could be used for committing crimes. To ensure you are acting in compliance, know ahead of time which papers you need to read and how to do so securely.

Protect Yourself From Identity Theft – Shredded Documents Can’t Be Pieced Back Together

Identity theft can be a scary and distressing experience. One of the most important steps you can take to protect yourself is to shred all documents with sensitive information after you’ve used them. This includes tax returns, old bank statements, credit applications, or anything else that includes personal details. By shredding these documents into small pieces, it prevents any malicious person from piecing them back together and using that data fraudulently. Investing in a quality cross-cut shredder is an affordable way to protect yourself against identity theft. Make sure to use it on all sensitive documents and keep your personal security intact!

Save Time And Money – Shredding Is Faster And Cheaper Than Storing Old Documents

‘Time is money’ – we’ve all heard this phrase before, and in today’s world, it’s more accurate than ever. Fortunately, there is an easy and inexpensive way to save both time and money when dealing with old documents: shredding. Rather than storing these documents forever in a filing cabinet, cluttering up your house or office with reams of paper records, or paying a hefty fee to outsource their storage of them, you can actually save a lot of time and money by opting to simply shred them instead. The best part is that the entire process can be completed quickly and efficiently with minimal effort on your part. Get rid of those unsightly piles of paperwork once and for all by taking advantage of the cost-effective benefits of document shredding services!

Declutter Your Home – Shredded Paper Takes Up Less Space Than Whole Documents

When it comes to decluttering your home, a great way to start might be shredding important documents for disposal. Not only does shredding ensure that no personal information is leaked or stolen, it can also help improve your home’s appearance by reducing the amount of paper clutter. Piles of documents can take up a lot of space, so shredding them and disposing of them properly is one of the easiest ways to start reclaiming your living space. Shredding will also help you stay organized, as it forces you to sort through all your documents and decide which can be safely discarded.

Be Eco-Friendly – Recycling Shredded Paper Reduces Waste In Landfills

Reducing our environmental footprint is a crucial part of living more consciously, and recycling shredded paper is one easy way to do this. When we throw away plain paper, it takes up precious room in a landfill that could be used for other types of waste. However, when you use a shredding service, they will recycle the shredded paper instead of throwing it away, reducing the amount of waste that ends up in landfills. This is a great way to do your part for the environment while also getting rid of those unwanted documents!


These are only a few reasons to shred your old documents, but they should be enough to convince you that it’s worth doing. Not only is document shredding the law in some cases, but it also protects you from identity theft and saves you time and money.

ATI Secure Docs provides secure paper shredding services in Austin, Houston, and San Antonio. ATI is certified by the National Association of Information Destruction. Our expertise is centered around the protection of confidential information, which means that we maintain end-to-end security measures throughout the process. Call (877) 314-5273 to schedule your next shredding service.
