Document Destruction: Common Mistakes And Best Practices

Bags of paper

Shredding documents is an important part of protecting yourself and your business. However, document destruction can also be a breeze if you avoid making these common mistakes. Here are the most common errors people make when shredding documents and some best practices to ensure that your destruction process goes smoothly.

Common Disposal Mistakes

Document destruction is a process that everyone should take seriously. There are many mistakes that can be made during document destruction, which can have serious consequences. Here are some of the most common mistakes to avoid:


Not Shredding Documents Properly

Not shredding documents properly is one of the most common mistakes people make when destroying documents. If documents are not shredded properly, someone can easily reconstruct them. Identify theft or other forms of fraud that could occur as a result.<

Not Destroying All Documents

When destroying documents, it is important to destroy all of them. Otherwise, someone could find the document and use it for their own purposes.

Not Storing Documents Securely

Before destroying documents, it is important to store documents in a secure location before destroying them. Otherwise, they could be stolen or lost.

Destroying Documents Too Early

It is important to wait until a document is no longer needed before destroying it. Otherwise, you could destroy something that you later need or something that is still legally required to keep.

Destroying Documents Too Late

If you wait too long to destroy a document, it could fall into the wrong hands and be used against you. Additionally, if a document is no longer needed, there is no reason to keep it around, taking up space.

Not Using a Reputable Document Destruction Service

Not all document destruction services are created equal. Some may not shred your documents properly or may not be secure. Make sure to research document destruction services before choosing one to ensure that your documents will be properly destroyed.

Shredding Best Practices

Companies lose billions of dollars annually to document fraud and identity theft. In order to protect your business, it’s important to follow best practices for document destruction. Here are a few tips to get you started:

Use a Cross-Cut Shredder

It is much more difficult to reconstruct documents after they have been shredded with a cross-cut shredder.

Destroy All Documents That Contain Sensitive Information

It’s necessary to destroy all documents that contain potentially sensitive information. These documents could include anything with customer names, addresses, Social Security numbers, and financial data.

Don’t Just Shred Documents – Destroy Them

Once shredded, place the paper in a sealed bag or container before disposing of it. Properly destroying documents will prevent thieves from going through your trash and piecing together documents.

Have a Regular Schedule for Document Destruction

Whether it’s once a week or once a month, make sure you have a system in place for regularly destroying sensitive documents.

Keep Your Document Destruction Process Secure

Make sure only authorized personnel have access to the shredder and that the area where shredded paper is stored is secure.


Following these best practices will help to keep your company’s confidential information safe from theft and fraud.


So, there you have it. Our top best practices to remember during your document destruction project and a few of the most common mistakes to avoid. By following these guidelines and avoiding these pitfalls, you can ensure that your project goes off without a hitch – and that your confidential data is securely destroyed. Have any questions or need help getting started? ATI Secure Docs is here to assist you every step of the way. Call us today for more information about our secure shredding services!
